don't you just love ricardo? yes we love you too simao without his tight shirt. haha. shou your fav. oh oops i forgot your fav is costinha. and i love shou's entry on the match :D
9:46 pm
and leaving me crumbs :(
some little feelings sprouted out of nowhere last night. i don't really know how to handle them. i guess i'll just ignore it. it's probably false alarm.
is the term history? does it still stand anymore?
do you know what's the feeling of standing next to someone and yet you feel like the person is not with you and that the person is totally talking on the phone like say 80% of the time? it sucks. whats the point of even going out together? see i told you i'm being robbed. or rather i've been robbed. cant you people leave me a little more than crumbs? sometimes i dislike you people even though i don't know who the hell you are. but i don't really care who you are.
okay maybe i have a problem. zzzz
10:39 am
7:35 pm
today is haha day :D
6:39 pm
lets have more of this :)
11:56 am
6:45 pm
for all the times i felt like i was unimportant.
for all the times i felt i wasn't good enough for you.
and for all the times i felt that maybe it wasn't mutual.
i really hope you are not angry in any way. i really don't know what i'm doing. and i still don't really know what i should do.
4:52 pm
okay think of the things that keep me happy please.
7:45 pm
9:25 pm
woohoo! portugal is going into semi-finals!! i must be dreaming :)
go portugal!
12:43 pm
disconnected and further away from your world. maybe i'll never ever get back there. sometimes things happen for no apparent reason and you can't do anything about it besides thinking about it. which is really pathetic. and then when i see you, it feels like we're strangers. but just for that split moment before i change my mind as we start talking like the usual. and so, i'm left puzzled.
and as much as i love my class, i'm not very close to them. something just doesn't fit. maybe it's me. sigh.
3:14 am